I have a client that has set up the XML-Sitemap Generator. For some reason it will not function correctly. When I hit the run button on the crawl page the page doesn't show the the generator working and after about 2 to 3 minutes I get a 504 Gateway Tim-out error.
I have already had them try to increase memory_limit and max_execution_time settings in php configuration in the (php.ini file) and the only thing this did was make the time longer before I get the 504 Gateway Time-out error.
I have the XML-Sitemap Generator up and running on other websites and it works great. I am not sure what is going on with this website or how they have it configured because I do not have back end access to it and also these clients do not speak English, I have to have some one interpret what I need them to do. So they may not be setting something up correctly.
I hope you can help me figure this out