Hi Oleg,
after the creation of video sitemaps works now, I have another issue: the time format of the video:duration tag seems to be wrong.
The videos of my sitemap are crawled by the schema.org markup. According to the schema.org standard the time format of the markup must be according to ISO 8601. Example:
<meta itemprop="duration" content="T1M33S" />
<meta itemprop="duration" content="PT1M33S" />
(I'm still not sure if it needs to be "T" or "PT" at the beginning. I think the schema.org standard is not clear about that.)
The video sitemap generator simply copies this data. But for the XML sitemap this time format is wrong. When I test the sitemap with Google Webmaster Tools (with all time format variations P/PT/T at the beginning) Google says that the time format is invalid.
In the video sitemap the duration must be given in seconds. Example:
Source: [ External links are visible to forum administrators only ] (Scroll down to the table "Video-Tag-Definitionen")
It seems that the video sitemap generator should convert the time format. What do you think?