I am trying to create a sitemap for our four websites: [ External links are visible to forum administrators only ] [ External links are visible to forum administrators only ] etc. Everything is working fine for the three smallest sites, but when I try to generate the map for the biggest site the script just stops almost before the end, reporting: segmentation fault (using ssh console)
The stats show:
Processing time: 28531.00s
Pages indexed: 46731
Sitemap files: 1
Pages size: 622.59Mb
If I resume the process, it concludes OK. But this has happened twice now and I think there must be a reason. I have my sitema1.xml, sitemap2.xml and sitemap2.xml in the root directory with the 666 permissions. Do I need to ad also ror1.xml, ror2.xml and ror3.xml?
Thank you for your help.