How does the sitemap generator work for dynamic pages..
« on: June 20, 2008, 05:11:46 PM »
I can see how it works with static pages, but what is the logic behind putting together links by going into the MYSQL database.

If I have a map of the US displayed on the home page and the user can click on each state to see the businesses in that state, does the sitemap generator actually puts together url for each state and then each business in that state. Does it use mysql database for that. How does it know which business is inactive and therefore should not be indexed.

Can someone explain how this thing works, that will clarify a lot of issues that people (and I) have with using this tool.

Re: How does the sitemap generator work for dynamic pages..
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2008, 11:17:27 PM »

sitemap generator has a built-in "crawler" script that browses your site similar to human visitors, i.e. it opens your homepage, finds all links on it, then open each found link and searches for deeper links etc., until full site is crawled and all links are included in sitemap.