XML-Sitemaps.com Refund Policy
XML Sitemaps.com is committed to giving you a high-quality product and provide you with a high level of customer satisfaction. To avoid any inconvenience, we highly encourage you to check our system requirements. This will help make sure that there will be no conflict between the script and your computer before you make the purchase.
Since XML Sitemaps.com is offering non-tangible irrevocable goods we do not issue refunds for any software purchased. Once a transaction for Software Downloads has been completed, we are unable to refund your monies due to the nature of the product. Please make sure that you've carefully read the section on the product, or feel free to email our Customer Service network with any questions or concerns.
We only make exceptions with this rule when the product appears to be not-as-described on a case by case basis in agreement of the parties concerned. In this case, returning the product revokes your rights to use the XML Sitemaps script.
However, we do provide support for the script you have purchased from XML Sitemaps. You will have access to our support forums where we will make every effort to resolve any problems you may have with our software. You may also contact us via email but please ensure you include your email address used to purchase the script.
XML-Sitemaps.com script is copyrighted and enabled with security measures to protect it from software piracy. Anyone who has been proven to have illegally copied and distributed this script will be punished with the full extent of the law.