I can't seem to find the answer to my problem anywhere else in the forums.
Every time I try to run the crawler, it immediately gives me "Error opening socket to [ External links are visible to forum administrators only ]". I'm pretty sure I've installed it correctly. The generator folder is uploaded to my main directory, I've created sitemap.xml and ror.xml, changed their permissions to 666, and changed the permissions on the data folder to 777. The only thing I really don't understand on the configuration page is the default for "Save sitemap as" was /nfs/cust/0/89/03/630980/web/sitemap.xml. I've tried changing it [ External links are visible to forum administrators only ] and just /sitemap.xml. I've also tried setting the maximum pages, maximum depth level, and maximum execution time under crawler limitations all to 0, 1000, 999999, and blank, but no matter what I try, I keep getting the same error message.
Another thing I don't quite understand is the importance of the public_html directory. I've never seen or heard of this before, and at first I just put the generator on my main root directory. I've tried creating a folder called public_html on my root directory ([ External links are visible to forum administrators only ]), and putting just the generator folder and the xml files in it, and then putting the whole site in it. I have a feeling I'm misunderstanding the basic concept of a public_html directory, but it doesn't really seem to me like it'd be that important.
Is there anything I might be overlooking?