I've recently tried your online site map generator and I seem to be getting the same problem with google
"All the URLs in your Sitemap have the same priority.
All the URLs in your Sitemap are set to the same priority (not the default priority). Priority indicates the importance of a particular URL relative to other URLs on your site, and doesn't impact your site's performance in search results. If all URLs have the same priority, Google can't tell which are more important. Help Found: Jul 16, 2008 "
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A few days ago the priority was all listed as "1.00" within the site map so I regenerated the sitemap and resubmitted ... you'll see the index page now has priority "1.00" the rest are all "0.80" is that why its generating errors ...I'm very new to creating sitemaps so maybe I'm doing something wrong?
Thanks in advance for any help